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Please check out my weekly JBJ Nano Reef Aquarium Blogs and Updates, where I tell you what my parameters are and what’s going on with my aquarium from week to week.

Welcome to Artistic Reefs, All about Nano reef aquariums and my personal experience with my 25 gallon JBJ Nano reef aquarium from the very beginning to now. I am no means an expert in saltwater aquariums, but this isn’t my first saltwater aquarium. Before this aquarium, I had a 75 gallon saltwater aquarium that I had for 3 years Picture of my Nano aquariumbefore giving it up to move out of state. It was an all fish aquarium with a sump below. Learned a lot from having that first aquarium and having been out of the hobby for over 17 years, I’m putting that experience to work with this new 25 gallon JBB nano reef aquarium.

Most people in this hobby will tell you that bigger is better when it comes to saltwater aquariums and their probable all correct but not everyone has the room or the extra money to spend on a bigger saltwater aquarium. If you’re like me, I live in an apartment. So, the size of the aquarium was the main sticking point for me and being on the third Floor of an apartment. I wanted an aquarium I could carry up three flights of stairs without killing myself. Plus, I didn’t want to mix my own saltwater at home, wanted to buy pre-mixed saltwater from my local aquarium store for convenance and less work.

Besides size, price was also a big factor for me, I had a budget of $800 I wanted to spend on a new nano aquarium including stand and sales tax. Another factor was what kind of filtration was incorporated into the aquarium. I didn’t want to get an aquarium that had a sump below because I knew I would be spending more money down the road if I did so. So I wanted an aquarium that would be easy to maintain and budget friendly.

I defiantly wanted an aquarium that had some kind of filter sock for filtration since I wouldn’t be running a skimmer/sump below. There’re quite a few manufacturers out there that build Nano size aquariums that incorporate filter socks for filtration but most of them are very small nonstandard sized filter socks and may be hard to find down the road to buy or stuck buying from the manufacture all the time. So, I definitely wanted an aquarium that used a standard 4” filter sock that I could buy just about anywhere online or at your local aquarium store.

I will go into more detail in each aspect of this build (Links upper left of page) and hopefully what I have learned can help you with your new nano reef aquarium.

Artistic Reefs JBJ Nano Reef Aquarium

Disclaimer: By no means is Artistic Reefs sponsored or paid by JBJ aquariums for the information on this website. All Information provide on Artistic Reefs website is strictly our opinion only and not influenced by any company or aquarium manufacture. Reviews and aquarium products shown on this website are strictly Artistic Reefs opinion only and are only paid for by Artistic Reefs. Happy reefing everyone!

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